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Looking for info on the Wireless Network at BSidesSF?

WiFi SSID: BSidesSF BSidesSF-Static
Authentication: Enterprise PEAP (more secure) WPA3 Static Key (ok security, but can be cloned easily)
Credentials: User: bsides
Password: bsides
Password: bsidessf
Windows Profiles (Win 8/10/11) Windows PEAP Profile Windows PSK Profile
Apple Profiles (iOS/MacOS) Apple BSidesSF PEAP WiFi: BSidesSF-Static
Password: bsidessf
Android Profiles (YMMV)
Public Keys: CA Bundle
Server Cert

To connect to the SSID BSidesSF you will need to either
install the device profile or download and install the
following certs: CA Bundle and Server cert
Lets Encrypt Root CA
MD5: file