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Looking for info on the Wireless Network at BSidesSF 2023? There are two WiFi Networks to choose from. One uses PEAP, which is enterprise authentication, and protects the individual session. The second is a static WPA3 Network, with a shared key. Both networks do not allow peer-to-peer traffic, however the static network can easily be cloned and abused. Anyone with a pineapple can easily setup an EvilTwin and pretend to be the same AP.

WiFi SSID: BSidesSF BSidesSF-Static
Authentication: Enterprise PEAP (more secure) WPA3 Static Key (ok security, but can be cloned easily)
Credentials: User: bsides
Password: bsides
Password: bsidessf
Windows Profiles (Win 8/10/11) Windows PEAP Profile Windows PSK Profile
Apple Profiles (iOS/MacOS) Apple BSidesSF PEAP WiFi: BSidesSF-Static
Password: bsidessf
Android Profiles (YMMV)
Public Keys: CA Bundle
Server Cert

To connect to the SSID BSidesSF you will need to either
install the device profile or download and install the
following certs: CA Bundle and Server cert
Lets Encrypt Root CA
MD5: file